7 Laws

7 Laws

World-renowned Czech archaeologist and Egyptologist Miroslav Bárta and CNN presenter Michal Pur address developments in the world. Bárta is the author of the breakthrough theory of the seven laws, which can be used to evaluate historical events and judge whether a civilisation is declining or prosperous. One of the lessons is that the collapse of civilization does not necessarily imply catastrophe and may instead be a regenerating process. Don't become depressed about the world; join us to find hope and meaning in the historical context. It’s the past where we can learn about our present and the possible future…

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A few days ago, the so-called Draghi report on the state of the European Union and its competitiveness outlook was published in Brussels. The two-volume opus consists of: The future of European competitiveness and In-depth analysis and recommendations. The report gives a realistic and saddening picture of where the European Union stands today in terms of the economy, geopolitics, innovation, the welfare state, the Green Deal and renewables. But there is no sign that the situation is improving. The report highlights energy prices in the EU that are nowhere near competitive with the rest of the world. While the price of electricity is almost 2-3 times higher in Europe compared to the US, natural gas prices are 4-5 times higher... For the EU to have its own Musk or Jobs is simply virtually impossible under the circumstances. If you want to know more about the theory, please go to: ⁠https://www.the7laws.cz
Preview of Draghi’s view of Europe in the next period